I just wanted to put this picture here because I like it. It's from our Farmington Canyon wheeling trip.
Our camera wasn't working last week, so we figured it was broken. We thought that it would be harmless to take it apart, because things could only get better. By we, I mean Dustin. hahaha. So he took it all apart, and this is what it looks like naked. But he was able to get it all put back together after a few tries and a midnight run to Wal-Mart to get small enough screw drivers. All so he could take it with him to Oakland. Works for me, because it is fixed now. :) Dustin is a handy dandy.
So Dustin is in Oakland until Thursday, which is Pioneer Day. Dustin gets Friday off instead of Thursday, because he is "working" on Thursday. He's actually flying back on Thursday and he'll be here around 3pm. hahahaha. I like it. He got there yesterday, and he said he will never think of West Valley as ghetto ever again. Those are my words, not his, but that is the gist of it. hahahaha.
I guess the distribution center there in Oakland got robbed a couple of weeks ago, and that is the only one in the whole world that has ever been robbed. Insane. Also, Dustin and Grayson, the other guy who went with him, figured they would ask the locals where to go and the what to see and where to eat, because they know best. Well, they all said to go to San Fransisco. hahahaha. They didn't say anywhere in Oakland. They said to go across the bay. How sad. But good to know too. Dustin has the camera, so I will post pics later when he gets back. They went to Fisherman's Wharf and had some good seafood. :D And they said they were going to try to find the windy road. I don't know what its called, but I hope they find it. hahaha. Maybe Dustin won't dislike California so much after this trip. hahahhaaha. It's cold there. Like 55 degrees this morning. So nutty.

1 comment:
yeah I read all your posts. I don't always comment because I am usually running around half way through and then I finish it and forget to comment. I went to Oakland and san fran and I walked across the golden gate bridge. I found the windy road, its by the full house road. Oh and alcatraz is there. The docs are cool they have really old carnival style museum thing there its free and fun. Anyway sorry. I wish Dustin could fix my camera, I think something is loose because now I can squish the top and bottom together and it will take a picture. Weird. anyway miss you.
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