If not, you should try it. I googled dustinandmeleofa and two entries came up, one of which is this. What a hay!?! Why is my blog showing up on a Russian (?) website. I translated the website, and it seems to be a newspaper, or something. It's probably just a blog search engine or something, but it still freaked me out. Really.
Okay. Now on to fun things. I like to do yoga. I am not very good, unless I do the same thing over and over, like my yoga/pilates dvd. This morning, I was doing yoga just as Miaya woke up, so I got her from her room, and she likes to join me and tries to help me by climbing on me and sitting on me, which makes me laugh, so it's great. But today, she decided to copy what the lady on the tv was doing and the result was so excellent. 

This is Miaya's downward dog. Awesome. :D
erg i cant read you post cuz of the potter widget :s
i took it away. it should be better now.
I google myself like once a month and everyone else too. I found Chelsey's blog by googling myself, she had written my name on someones comment. So now I like to do it to see lost friends and stuff yay for google.
awesome!! good job miaya!
LOL THats hilarious and funny and awesome indeed HAHAHAH better than me darn her! heehehehe
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