At Halloween, we acquired quite a few sets of vampire teeth. They had been floating around the bottom of Miaya's diaper bag for a while, until sometime this week, when I put them on the sewing table by our front door.

They are next to the little car. By the way, Miriam and Daniel, Bubba left all those little toys he brought over last week so they are all right there. :) And does anyone know who likes Old Spice? I think Dad does, but we won't see him for a while. Dustin doesn't use it, so it's up for grabs.
Anyway, Miaya found them. (the teeth)

Although they are much too large for her mouth, she loves them.
so precious. I like your tablecloth hehe. Good place for it and it is authentic Fijian too. We will be in Robinvale soon.
bahahah i always new she was a vampire what with her extremely youthful appearance
MAHAHA maliana. That is hilarious, it look slike she has a full set of teeth, does she have a full set of teeth? Big Teeth anyways mahaha
That picture is Ace
HEHE at Dustins face hahaha
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