Miaya's hair is getting long enough that I can put it up! This is pretty great. :D

We have Armenian Cucumbers, Garden Sweet Cucumbers, Watermelon, Cantaloupe, Basil, Cilantro, and French Rosemary.

For family home evening Monday night, we started our garden. Just the inside stuff. It was great fun. Miaya didn't want to plant the cantaloupes with the cantaloupes. She wanted to mix everthing all around. hahahahaha. We may get some cantamelons or waterloupes.

And last but not least, closeups of us all.
YOU GUys are One GOood Lookin Family!! is that Dustins No Stories about Boys look?
I thought the garden thingy was a Cake!!! hhahahaha mmm mud pies
LoL at Miaya's Hair Hahahahah cutesies
Is that Miayas camera face?!?!? hahahahhahahah
hahahahahaha. Yes, this is Miaya's camera face, but it's also what she looks like when she sees me squinting! hahahahaha.
HaHaHa I thought as much, very much squinting hahahahah what a silly billy
cute. What a fun family home evening idea. We will have to try it.
Oh, and Melanie, yes, this is totally the no boy stories face. bahahahaha.
bahahah i thought it was cake too
mmmm waterloupes miayas hair is awesomlarious and her face :D
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