Thursday, September 2, 2010

The Deer

Dustin went on the archery hunt a few weeks ago, and he got a deer! It was a 2 point, I think. 
He also got quite a few really beautiful shots of the wilderness he was in. The moon one is through binoculars. Lovely.
The first time Dustin went hunting several years ago, he got his first deer. He hasn't gotten one since, that is until this year. Yay for Dustin.
Warning, this deer is dead. Dustin shot it in the throat, and in the pic after this one, you can see it.


MiriamR said...

wow those are some fantastic photos! Great idea with the shot of the moon. Congrats on the deer dustin!

MoBo said...

Those pictures are so Utah hahaha Great Stuff! Awesome aiming skills, well done