Thursday, July 24, 2008


does anyone know how twitter works? or why it exsists? if so, please help.


MiriamR said...

what is twitter?

Unknown said...

twitter is like having just an update thing, and that's all. you answer one question: what are you doing right now? and people can follow your stream, and what you're doing 24-7, or as often as you update. if you go to you can register and stuff. it's kinda dumb, but you can access it through facebook too. facebook has a twitter app. also, you can twitter from your cell, if you so choose to. it's not something i completely understand, though.

MiriamR said...

oh me either sorry I just wasted your time

MoBo said...

HEY! meliofa, you aint blogged in FOREVER! WHY???? I READ them ALLLL and now they no more? me sad :'(