Monday, March 30, 2009
A great lesson
“In the beginning (but not really the beginning—only a moment in the span of existence that is always), I learned of a plan of my Heavenly Father for me and my spirit brothers and sisters. Himself exalted and perfected and holy, our beloved Father wanted us to have a chance to follow his path. His firstborn, our elder Brother, Jesus, would organize a world where we could live and grow and learn to love and truly care. It would be a difficult experience in a world of imperfect men and irrevocable law, and we must choose if we would follow him.
“And so, … I said, ‘Yes.’ And I waited for my turn.
“[Jesus] set about making a world for me and you, the Father’s children. And one day I left a place I cannot remember now to come here, to begin the union of my life with the earth.
“In the hazy brightness that is childhood, there was the first recognition of beauty—the smell of eucalyptus, the first encounters with sea and sun and sand, and fog—wet droplets on my face, a bee, flowers, and cypress trees bent strangely by the wind.
“And as I grew, so the world became more marvelous; and deep inside began the warm, sweet pain that is earth-love.
“[Jesus] made light that falls soft and silvery at night and makes shadow patterns in the wind—light, golden-blue, and gentle in the days of spring sun—and light that spreads its colors first faintly red to orange to golden, to dispel the blue-black that is night—sunrise. And I have eyes to see.
“And he made wind to rustle softly through a thousand leaves, glistening silver-slippery water to sing and stumble on its way to the sea, and birds to fill the morning air with soft flute-tones. And I have ears to hear.
“He made hands to touch in the bright warmth that is ‘How are you?’ or ‘I will help’ or ‘I begin to love you’; and eyes to speak, to see beyond the words, to understand, to discover.
“He gave me a heart that sees and hears and feels the earth he made, and deep within me earth-love swells to overflowing. He gave me tears of joy to shed.
“You have these things, too. They are gifts—blessings beyond our ability to receive.
“And someday when I have seen [Jesus] again and my Father has welcomed me back, I hope, with my mate, to be able to begin the direction of a world like this. And our children will turn in the cold sweetness of morning light to heavens of their earth with eyes that glisten with tears born of earth-love to say, ‘Thank you, Father’ ”
I love this. Oh, and I am convinced that I get much more out of our lessons each Sunday than anyone else in the class, even though the lessons are geared towards the young women
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
My New Glasses, the Park, A drive, and A New Endeavor
Pair 1
We went for a drive in the west desert on Sunday evening. Or was it Saturday? I can't remember, but it was stunning. There was a huge storm blowing out and a new one blowing in. This is the inbetween sun.
Miaya and Dustin displaying the tool bags I got Dustin for our anniversary.
Miaya in various poses at the park.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Happy 6th to us
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Twilight midnight release parties
I feel happy. I hope it lasts. :D
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
I want to run
And lastly, I have been watching Avatar and Naruto because you guys got me curious about it all. So far I like Avatar quite a bit, and Naruto a little. Avatar is cute. I am excited to see more. Naruto is ok too. I was a little thrown off by the whole sexy jujitsu (not sure how to spell it) but I want to see more of it too. I have only seen the first four episodes of it. And the last episode I saw ended with their sensei getting hit by the other student. I am still waiting for Volume 2.
I exercised today, and I am going to be healthy. I can come up with a million excuses not to (suach as: I am lazy) but I really want to be able to run and run and run and not be tired. I am so far from that right now.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
I also got my new glasses. They are the coolest glasses EVER. I love them both. I wore a pair on Sunday, and the young women were all like "Why did you get glasses?" and such. It wasn't very complimentary. hahahaha. It made me laugh. A couple of them came up to me after church and were discussing them with me. One asked me again why I got glasses. I told her because I couldn't see without them. She was like "Oh" and then the other young woman told me she didn't like them. It was great. I told them both that I loved the glasses, and that I thought they were the coolest. They didn't think so. I love that I don't care what other's think of me, and what I like. We all went away from the conversation friends. hahahahahaha.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Today is great.
For a Young Women's activity we went overnight to a cabin by Smith and Morehouse Reservoir. It was a crazy thing. The main thing in going up there, I think, was to have fun. We snowmobiled and sledded, and rode behind four wheelers. It was mostly crazy, as having 17 young women from 3 different wards, and 6 leaders in the same small space can be. The cabin was quite spacious, but there were lots of people. The Saturday morning dawned bright and so clear. And as the morning progressed, the air got warmer. It was sooooo fun. Me and Mio, the 5th branches YW pres., sledded down this mile long road! It was sheer insanity. We thought it was going to be fun, and it was, but it was also jolting, bumpy, and we crashed a lot. We had to wear helmets or we would have gotten concussions. I was oh so sore for the next few days, and I was quite bruised everywhere. But I can't say I regret it in any way. It made me feel young and alive. So cliche, I know. Snowmobiles are fast. I bet Cam, the lady who drove me around on one, didn't go more than 30 miles an hour but my eyes watered so much I couldn't see. I felt like I was flying! It was really great. :D Mio and I also hopped on a sled on the back of a four wheeler, and that was quite fun. The bad bits were always when we fell off. The snow was all hard packed so I hurt when we would fall off. We wore helmets then too. It's funny, because Mio and I were the only leaders crazy enough to get on the sleds. hahaha. The other leaders had done this stuff before, so they probably knew better. bahahaha. So fun, though.
Today, I was not lazy. I got quite a bit done, and that made me feel good. I worked out a little bit today, too. That always makes me feel good. I had some great quality time hanging out with Miaya, who is sick again. :P She has a cough that I am amazed doesn't shake her whole little self apart. :( I did a whole bunch of laundry, I did my dishes. I organized some things, found places for others.
I'm having Mana and Victoria over for the weekend, so that will be fun. Melisa is going to North Carolina. I am so excited for them. I hope they are able to find a place while she's there. I've never been to North Carolina. I hope we get to go see them while they are there.
It was a good day today.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Our Outing at IFA
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Oh What a Beautiful Morning!
It's all gone now. By the way kids, don't try this at home.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
And last but not least, closeups of us all.