Friday, January 30, 2009
Oh how I love the sun.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
No Mamma, I don't need a nap
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
What I try to live by
Be kind.
Enjoy stuff.
Let people know how you feel.
Laughs lots and lots.
Read good things.
Listen to music.
I have come to realize more and more that I am weird. I don't think I'm immature, but I am somewhat naive, I think. I like to look for the good in people, and although I am much more cynical than I used to be, I still hope for people to be generally good. I think there are many good things all around, and it must be taken with the bad. I am constantly hoping for things to be better. I look for the good in bad situations. Maybe that's just optimism. I am not always this way, but in general, I think I am. Even when I get depressed for long periods of time, somewhere deep inside I hope for things to get better. I am greatful for having this in me.
Oh, and have some fun here. I google things many times a day, and today there is a Jackson Pollock link, that is where I found it. So paint to your hearts content on the virtual canvas.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
My Best Friend
So tonight, my thoughts turned to my best friend. He was already far away in sleepy land. As corny as it all may seem Dustin is my best friend. I remember before we started dating, we would "hang out" and it was loads of fun. We were friends before we were more. There was a point in our relationship that I was worried about getting more serious with him because I valued his friendship so much. (I thought if we didn't end up getting married, that things might turn out badly) Being friends first has been invaluable. Something that crossed my mind tonight was that he takes me as I am. There are things about me that bug him, I know I can be annoying. But he is so quintessentially good. He's sweet, funny, sexy, kind, caring, loving, self-sacrificing, respectful and respectable, honest, and lovely. Oh, and patient. Endlessly patient. :)He's not perfect, but who is? As I laid there, I was compiling a list of his many awesome traits. It was great. I know I don't tell him, or more importantly, show him, how much I appreciate him, nearly often enough. And so I will.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
A Massive Undertaking
And so we go.
Watching something. I think it was Baby Shakespear.
Hugging. Unfortunately, this is posed, not spontaneous. hahahahha.
Such a pretty smile. :)
Tuimana has decided to try out Harry Potter, so I let him borrow my Sorcerer's Stone. He asked me if he could borrow a couple. I told him to just take one and then he could borrow the others as he finished each one. He's very ambitious. hahahhaha. It was so fun to have them over. They stayed for dinner. Melisa gave me a great recipe for salmon and rice and veggies and it was soooo yummy.
It rained a teeny bit this morning, and I hope it rains more. I have sinus problems going on right now, and I attribute them to this inversion we have going on. The air around here has been unhealthy for days now. It's just plain gross. I try not to drive when I don't have to in general, and even more so at this time of year. The pollution gets stuck in the valley because the air above the smog and moisture is warmer, and traps it all in. But, apparently the inversion phenomenon is something that's been happening since long before cars were around. Well, according to Dustin's co-worker who is interested in the history of Utah, before pollution was as bad as it is fog and smoke would get stuck in the valleys. I haven't found anything to back this up, but it sounds believeable.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Fourth: dice. I don't know how, but somehow I have a small collection of dice. I can't remember why or how I have any of these.
Fifth: pins. This is too is an accidental collection. And yes, I really do keep them in the carquest fuse box. Except the three largest ones. The lid won't close with them in it.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Her New Favorite Thing

Friday, January 16, 2009
lerly lerly loo loo
Whatever it is, I like it. Not that I don't feel like blogging much lately, but just that I can do lots of other things too. For a while there, all I could do was take care of Miaya, and Dustin, and do the young womens things. Now I am able to enjoy it all more. Having my sisters and their families in town has been a BIG refresher for me, and the webcam, and being able to see and talk to Mamma and Dad and Melanie, Henry, and Lete, and being able to talk to Maliana across the seas, and hear her play her guitar.
You are so talented Maliana. For reos. Oh, I just had a thought. Melanie, Henry, and Lete: you guys should make more videos. They are highly entertaining. Your pictures of your adventures are soooooo fun. And I hope Melisa will put up tons of pictures from Vegas.
I need ideas for mutual on Wednesday. We have not planned it, for some reason. Anyone have any? Something that can be pulled together quickly. We have February already planned, but this one week has been forgotten. It's just the young women. Miriam, you mentioned your Where's Waldo thingy, and that sounded fun. :)
It felt almost like Spring today. The sun was shining so bright. There is no snow left in my front yard: it has all melted. There's smooshy yellowed grass, and brown mud. My driveway is half ice-rink half dirty concrete. My backyard is still mostly covered in snow, the hard crunchy kind of snow. It seemed out of place today. I am sure another snow storm or 10 are on their way. I love it all. I love the cold, cold snow. I love the blistering hot summers. I love the cool earthy fall, and the warming rainy spring. I think this year is going to be a good one. :)
Thursday, January 8, 2009
A Friendly Kid

Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Here you go kids
Like her Mother

Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Letting go

The correction listed on this statement is due to an
inaccurate transponder on your gas meter. We
apologize for any inconvenience this may have
caused you. If you have any questions please call
your local office. Thank you.

Friday, January 2, 2009
So much better
A sad loss
Thursday came and Dustin was home, so we were just spending time together as a family. Thursday went by, and then today Dustin reminded me to call them. I called, and got the answering machine, so I left a message. I called Melisa, because I needed to tell her something, and while I was on the phone with her, Marsha called me back. I finished talking with Melisa, and called my voicemail, because Marsha had left a message.
It was so sad. She was letting me know that Rian and MeLea had lost their daughter earlier in the week. She was only 6 years old. What a shock. They are worried that people won't find out in time for the funeral tomorrow morning. So I am passing the information along. The obituary can be found here. I called Marsha back, and they are, most understandably, so sad. After I got off the phone with her, I called Dustin, because I was upset. And then when I got off the phone with him, I just sat and hugged Miaya for a while. I'm so greatful for the fullness of my life, even though I think it's hard sometimes.