Thursday, November 20, 2008

I remembered!

I remembered the other dream. It too was really weird. Dustin and I were on top of some mountain somewhere like in the middle of nowhere. We were in some sort of cabin, but like a place where people who take care of those weather towers or whatever, would stay. I knew Miaya was safe somewhere out of the mountains, but we had to fix or take care of something. I don't know what. A little while after we arrived there, a massive storm hit. At first it was snowing really hard. There was already all sorts of snow and ice everywhere. Then it all got covered with snow, but then it started to rain really hard. It was flooding over the ice and such, and we had no way to leave or anything. So we shuttered up the whole building, which was not big or small. And amazingly enough, I hadn't noticed the shutters on the windows until we needed them to be there. hahahahaha. And I think we made some dinner after that, just waiting for the storm to be done. The dream started all panicky and like we had to do something, and then it just fizzled out. How odd.


Shari and Trent said...

Hey Mele'Ofa I just found your blog from Miriams!!!! Maybe we can keep in touch better with blogs!

MoBo said...

wow, that could be seen as a Message Dream! easily, what a lucky goldfish you are! because it ends pleasantly and Miaya is safe and you are with dustin, shucks!